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film and tv

Some random clips from my past. Please don't ask me to do anything...

I will ALWAYS think of a way of getting out of it!

My modest claim to fame - this was the world's longest t.v. spot for 10 years and as such was in The Guinness Book of World Records. I have good memories of working on this with some very nice people - Erik and Francine at KesselsKramer, and Jurriaan at Goodsounds.

Trailer for André van Duren's fab new film De Helleveeg

Once upon a time in Amsterdam (or Barcelona)

A reminder of more carefree times - one from the heart from Johan Kramer

And where it all started, Soho in the mid 90's...but before then I really was somebody else

Adventures in wildtrack dialogue dubbing with a living legend - the one & only Mr. Simon Taylor

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